| Just Arrived: The Weight Loss Patch, The Male Potency Patch, Strivectin (Better than Botox patch), and
The Tan Towel! Coming Soon: Aromatherapy Line of Patches, and Prescription products including Phentermine, Viagra, and Prozac

| 1-800-wheelchair.com is an authorized Medical Supply dealer buying direct from manufacturers like Invacare, Pride Jazzy, and Golden Technologies. Thus passing the discounted price to our customers. 1-800-Wheelchair is one of the only companies that welcomes Medicare, Medicaid and most major insurance. 1-800-wheelchair.com a medical supply company
BMD Enterprises Wholesale Store and Gift Shop
| We have a 260 page catalog with over 5000 gift items for men, women, children - A gift for everyone. We have dicounts for multiple purchases, and wholesale prices. Toys, pictures, sculptures, gifts, holiday items, jewelry, and more |
| These products are absolutely the best thing I've even come across amongst the many I've tried and used. Today, a lady brought in Dr. Patricia Bragg. I'm still in shock, but not at all surprised. These are good products and we are in the enviable position of being at the front and almost at the top of the tree so to speak. If you'd like to speak with Randy Allen, he's the one who does the conference calls and our upline, he can really fill you in with any questions you may have. He's spent alot of time at the company and is very familiar with the operations. Just let me know.
http://www.eniva.com/members/18659/ The four leading causes of death in the U.S. in order are: 1. Heart Disease 2. Cancer 3. Properly taken prescribed medications 4. Strokes 1 - 2. I don't smoke, I don't drink 3. I don't go to doctors 4. I do use water soluble minerals and vitamins to alkalize and oxygenate. Dr. Linus Pauling said, All disease is caused from a lack of minerals. Most minerals sold today only get into the body, but never into the cells. They are not elemental; they are too large; they can potentially cause damage.
Freelife - Himalayan Goji Juice - Dr. Earl Mindell - over 12 year old company!
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97% RE-Order Rates!
Since 1995. In March 1995 FreeLife launched and by the end of the year became the youngest company ever featured on the cover
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an abundant life guides their every decision.
Dr. Earl Mindell's The Vitamin Bible, Diet Bible, Russian Energy Secret, Prescription Alternatives, Soy Miracle and
The Himalayan Health Secret™
It is said that the Himalayans were the first natural healers, and that they shared their wisdom with the ancient herbalists
of China, Tibet, and India. Their prized secret was the fruit of the native goji vine, which had been flourishing in the
Himalayan valleys since the beginning of time.
There are many varieties of goji – as many as 41 species in Tibet alone! In the same way that human fingerprints can be used
to distinguish one person from another, a spectrometer can detect even subtle differences between berries at the molecular
FreeLife represents a unique opportunity currently for people in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda,
Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Brunei, Canada, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Hong Kong, Macau, Mexico, New Zealand,
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Tobago to take advantage of the incredible growth and power of the Internet and to build a global business from the comfort
of their homes. Many Marketing Executives are using FreeLife International as the vehicle to make their dreams a reality. |
Life Force International
| Referral ID 165805
WELCOME HOME to a company formed with you in mind. A company with stability, exclusive products that give results and that cannot be found anywhere else, a fast money pay plan with 60% payback and professional company support. A company that you can trust and believe in and a company with a heartwarming story. Here are the details: Referral ID 165805
Wayne & Gerri Hillman and Grandkids STABILITY: A company with a history of nearly two decades yet with a business opportunity that’s new and exciting. Debt free and rock solid! This company has all the features of a company here today and still around for your grandchildren and beyond. Family owned so that the values they began with will not be taken away by profit hungry investors. A company that stands ready and poised to give you pride in saying, I’m a member of the Life Force International family. I’m changing my life. I’m making a difference. I’ve found my home!
EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS: Time-tested and proven by thousands of doctors, our products are so unique that you can’t get them anywhere else for any price. The raw materials come from FDA registered sources. We manufacture the products ourselves so we are able to control the quality and supply the products to you at true factory-direct prices.
FAST MONEY PAY PLAN: You can make a profit with as few as three people, and earn a full time income with only about one hundred people in your entire downline! You can also receive matching bonuses on your leaders and even get paid on your upline! Life Force pays back 60% to its business-building members because they feel you deserve to be paid fairly for your time and efforts. Check out our Life Force compensation plan and see for yourself that it is unsurpassed in this industry.
Referral ID 165805 COMPANY SUPPORT: We mail packages to all of your qualified leads at no cost to you or your prospect! You also have access to all of the modern methods of building your business: Internet web site, fax-on-demand, 24-hour sizzle line, daily live conference calls, cutting-edge training by network marketing professionals, and much more (Call 800-531-4877, options 5 for details). Referral ID 165805 |
M Water - the ultimate functional healing water
| The most important component for health in the life of every human being is one simple thing: Water! But not just any water. Anyone can transform their life and health by drinking M~Water™, the ultimate functional healing water.
Dr. David Wheeler, a Chiropractic Physician from Oregon, has researched and developed the M~Water Activation Technology™ to produce M~Water™ Primordial Concentrate, a duplication of Perfect Living Water from the environment. The M~Water Activation Technology™ recreates ideal natural forces of water movement and vibrational input that is emitted from the ground. In this technology water movement is Super Coherent in order to eliminate all randomness and the materials used to emit vibrational signals are optimized in terms of their total support of living chemistry. Therefore, there is biocompatibility between M~Water™ and the cells of the body to support the highest level of health possible.
Water crystallization studies have been carried out on M~Water™ by Masaru Emoto at his I.H.M lab in Japan to understand the clustering formation that occurs in M~Water™ and M~Activated Water™ (made by adding a small amount of M~Water™ Primordial Concentrate to a small amount of clean drinking water). The results are astounding as depicted in the photos above in terms of the change from incoherence to Super Coherence as smaller clustering in order to facilitate hydration of the body.
Based on Hydration with Coherence the following functional healing benefits are promoted by drinking plenty of M~Water™ every day (the opposite results will result from not drinking enough water every day):
1) Increased absorption and utilization of nutrients 2) Increased oxygen availability to the cells 3) Increased detoxification of the body as a whole 4) More perfect cell replication
DIRECTIONS: Adults should add two teaspoons of M~Water™ Primordial Concentrate to a gallon of clean drinking water and then drink two to three liters a day. In addition, for optimum results, drink at least one to two teaspoons of the concentrated M~Water™ right after waking up and right before falling asleep. Each bottle of M~Water Primordial Concentrate contains 16.9 ounces and will last approximately 30 days for one person with moderate use.
SAFE AND PLEASANT TO DRINK: The M~Water Activation Technology™ does not involve adding any specific substance to water, but is the indirect application of external forces only. Therefore M- Water is not only safe to drink but has a very pleasant taste (this contrasts to products such as STC Energy Water that is made with sea salt and added to water). |
Master Your Emotions
| easily and painlessly heal anxiety, phobias, stress, grief, trauma and other emotional issues. |
Menopause Specialist
| You & the Horrors of Menopause
Brain - headaches, mood swings, depression, memory loss, ultimately Alzheimer's Disease. Skin - Hot Flashes, profuse sweating, cold and clammy, wrinkles, dry & thin skin, facial hair, loss of hair. Heart & Blood Vessels - Heart disease, Higher cholesterol, stroke, Thromboembolism, Heart palpitations. Bone - 20% bone loss, calcium loss, Increase fractures of spine and pelvis, 20% die after fractures. Breasts - Atrophy of gland tissues, shrinking of the breast, sagging & loss of shape. Emotional - Depression, Fear, Phobia & anxiety Kidneys - Decreased re-absorption of minerals, increased water retention. Intestinal - Decreased absorption of calcium, and Crucial micronutrients & minerals. Body Shape - Increased abdominal fat, Fat accumulation around pelvis, Hunch back, Increased fracture of spine. General - Severe Fatigue, no energy, insomnia. Urogential - Period stop, loss of libido, vaginal atrophy, dryness, painful intercourse, bladder infections. FACTS ON ESTROGEN Fact #1: - A woman's body makes dozens of estrogen. But there are three important types: Estrone, Estradiol, and Estriol. Fact #2: - All types of estrogen serve a purpose however the Best is ESTRIOL. Fact #3: - Women with breast Cancer has low Estriol and high of the bad kinds: (Estradiol & Estrone) Fact #4: - The balance of the three major estrogens is healthy and cancer free women should contain the highest level of Estriol.
During menopause, women have an abnormal Hypothalamus - Pituitary - Ovary Axis (HPO) in the brain, the Hypothalamus sends signals to the Pituitary glands (MASTER GLAND) to produce key hormones which in turn send signals to all the other glands to make more hormones. This is the central command station, sort of a complex switch board that keeps our hormones and sexual functions healthy.
Pituitary Hormone - master glands
* Increase surges of luteinizing hormone - causes hot flashes, severe sweating - their primary function is to cool you off.
* Tired and aging ovaries and adrenal glands cause a steady decrease in estrogen and decrease in progesterone.
* By age 70 you will have lost 90% of your female hormones.
* Hormonal depletions and imbalances will be ultimately responsible for severe diseases and their symptoms. (e.g. Cancer of the breast, osteoporosis, etc.)
Also called Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT), this is vastly accepted and practiced by physicians. Millions of American women who take Premarin (45 million prescriptions) and PremPro (20 million prescriptions) are getting a whole lot of estrogen - mostly the BAD (Estradiol) kind and not much (if any) of GOOD Estriol.
Did you know what PREMARIN (1942) is the short name for? Pregnant Mare! Yes, that's right. It's concentrated Horse Urine! Did your doctor tell you that?
Maybe your doctor also forgot to tell you about our bio-identical phyto-hormones which are available to you now which Are much less toxic and they are natural!
Dr. Steven Deitelzweig, internist, Medical Director Center for Thrombosis Education and research, New Orleans. The higher the dose of estrogen, the higher the risk to clots in the veins.
New England Journal of Medicine 1975. (2 Studies) Women taking menopausal estrogen had 4 times or greater risk of developing endometrial cancer than those who did not. Women who used the drugs for 7 years or more had nearly 14 times greater chance (1400%) of endometrial cancer.
National Cancer Databank- Middle age women between 1969-1973 incidence of endometrial cancer rose by 150%
New England Journal of Medicine - Frammgham heart study Showed women on Estrogen Replacement Therapy actually had 50% higher coronary risk and 100% as many strokes, blood clots and related problems.
National Cancer Institute - 1989 study 23,000 Swedish women on Hormone Replacement Therapy, the estrogen increased not only breast cancer, but also increased overall cancer incidence.
This research is really surprising: Dr. Deborah Grady Women's Health Research Center; Wyeth sponsored Heart and Estrogen/Progesterone Replacement study (HERS) 4-year study, double blind A&B. One group experienced significantly more heart attacks, blood clots, and pulmonary embolism than other. The sponsors got REALLY excited and hurried the Board to unmask the Data. Dr. Grady said, Where they thought the group had a lower rate of heart events would be the HORMONE group - surprise! It was the placebo group. We were dumbfounded, said Dr. Grady. Continuing the trial it showed increase in blood clots and gallbladder disease, it had a 50% greater heart disease.
Beyond the above side effects encountered in conventional ERT, let me list a few more of them: Severe bleeding, weight gain, hypertension, increase incidence of cancer of the breast, uterus, liver, gallbladder diseases, increase incidence of heart diseases and Thromboembolism |
Micro Structured Microwater
| MicroStructuredTM water is a new classification of drinking water. Through the patented process of electrolysis ordinary tap water is transformed into unique enhanced properties that contribute to one's overall wellness.
Drinking alkaline Microwater helps the body clear out acidic wastes and restore the cellular pH balance to normal.
As we are all being made aware of, water is becoming an integral part of our health maintenance program. Every doctor, practitioner, nutritionist, sports therapist recommends that at least 6-8 glasses of water per day if not 10-12 glasses per day be consumed. There should be no reluctance towards consuming water.
In the past, the criteria for identifying the proper type of water for consumption was generally limited to its taste, purity and the strength of the product media in their presentation of what an ideal water purification system was or what an ideal type of bottled water was. Little mention or knowledge was available to even the basic fact that water can be restructured and new properties introduced to it.
As was evident in various focus studies, that were conducted by our group, the various topics concerning water cluster size, the pH of the drinking water, the importance of the proper mineral content, the permeability and hydrating ability of the water, the ability of water to transport necessary nutrients to the cellular level, along with the critical need of the body for proper water hydration, were not variables that were readily known or thought of by the average lay person.
In our studies of electrolyzed water, we were taken to new areas of water science and knowledge, and for those of us who are interested in proper health maintenance, have had a first-time exposure to.
Water a source of life and wellness ....
Water is a very essential element to life. There are many forms of good drinking water: tap water, spring water, mineral water, filtered water, distilled water, purified water along with a long listing of beverages that utilize water as its core ingredient.
Water and the human body…
At birth, our body is made up of 80% water. While awaiting birth, the fetus is surrounded with water. In an average 150 lb. man, there are 10-12 gallons of water in his body at any given time.
There are a number of vital functions which water performs for the human body…
- Detoxification of the body.
- Formation and excretion of sweat.
- Adjustment to the body's temperature and in reducing body heat.
- Lowering of toxin levels.
- Aligning the blood pressure of the brain to keep it in sync with the blood pressure of the body organs.
- Bringing alertness to the mind.
- Playing a key role in metabolic reaction.
- Allowing body fluids to flow effectively.
- Slowing the aging process through proper hydration.
- In blood, water transports glucose, oxygen and fat to working muscles and carries away metabolic by-products such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid.
- During exercise, water absorbs heat from your muscles, dissipates it through sweat, and regulates body temperature. One pound of sweat loss represents about 275 calories of dissipated heat.
- Saliva and gastric secretions help digest food.
- Throughout the body, water lubricates joints and cushions organs and tissues.
The importance of proper hydration…
The replacement of lost water, through perspiration, internal hydration and excretion, is accomplished through the reintroduction of water, proper electrolytes and fluids into the body. The delay or absence in this replacement causes fatigue, aging and the onset of other adverse conditions. To prevent these conditions, it is important to consume the required amount of daily water.
When there is DEHYDRATION (shortage of water in the body), the following health adverse conditions may occur…
- For 1% of dehydration, there is an increase to body temperature.
- For 3% of dehydration,
there is impaired performance.
- For 5% of dehydration,
a person suffers heat cramps, chills, nausea, clammy skin, rapid pulse, 20-30% decrease in endurance capacity.
- For 6-10% of dehydration,
there is gastrointestinal problems, heat exhaustion, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and fatigue.
- For dehydration
in excess of 10%, there is heat stroke, hallucinations, lack of sweat and urine, swollen tongue, high body temperature and an unsteady walk.
Electrolysis, water restructuring system… An electrolysis water restructuring system is typically a counter-top system that connects to the faucet in a kitchen or a bar. The unit is plugged into a wall outlet and is situated near a faucet. Through the use of a faucet diverter, which is included with the electrolysis system, the hoses that pass the tap water through the unit are attached to the tap water source.
The tap water is first filtered to reduce the chlorine and sediment levels by approximately 99% and any foul odor or taste that may be present in the tap water. The filtered water, with the alkaline and acidic electrolytes present, then flows through the electrolysis chamber where the tap water clusters are separated into alkaline and acidic concentrated water clusters. Once the electrolysis is performed, the two-separated water is delivered through the faucet diverter (alkaline, drinking water), and the secondary water (acidic, astringent water). In certain units, the alkaline water is delivered through a pipe.
Prostate Specialist
| Eliminate Prostate Problems Now!
I am rushing this Special Research Report to you for immediate release. The information in it may be life saving and very important. What I am writing about is Enlarged Prostate or what your doctor would diagnose as Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (BPH). Men will not usually discuss these private and personal problems in public. Instead, they live with their misery and are often too embarrassed to seek help – men hate to go see doctors.!
Dr. Tai is a a physician specializing in Podiatric Medicine and Board certified surgeon (RET) on surgical staff at Oakwood Medical Hospital in Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Tai has also served under two Michigan State Governors over the past ten years. He has been recognized with a Vice Chairman’s position on the Michigan Board of Podiatric Medical Licensing and as Chief Examiner for all new Podiatric physicians. Dr. Tai also served as head of Surgical Residencies overseeing all hospitals and clinics in the state of Michigan. In his various capacities, Dr. Tai has helped promulgate the rules applied by the Michigan Medical Act, has served as Chairman of the Podiatric Physicians Continuing Education and has served as the Chief Compliance Officer for the State of Michigan, supervising doctors in his specialty.
A tireless researcher, teacher, and lecturer, Dr. Tai also is an accomplished inventor with eight patents already granted and several more in process. Dr. Tai has helped thousands of patients and consulted with countless doctors on difficult clinical cases all over the world.
A widely acclaimed formulator of extraordinary natural supplementary products, his breakthrough technologies have been featured in such renowned medical newsletters as Women’s Health and positively reviewed by the Health Science Institute in special reports distributed worldwide. A serial entrepreneur, Dr. Tai sits on the boards of countless public companies which are listed on The NASDAQ, The Toronto Stock Exchange, and The Vancouver Stock Exchange. He is known as a rare combination of success, creativity, and clinical acumen.
Dr. Tai is surely a modern “Renaissance Man.”
If you suffer from:
ü Painful or frequent urination
ü Frequent urges, starting and stopping, low volume
ü Inability to begin urinary flow – dribbling and dripping, underwear stain
ü Incomplete emptying of the bladder
ü Multiple nocturnal urination
ü Severe pain in your pelvis
ü Painful ejaculation
ü Impotence
Don’t choose to end up in the Hospital Choose instead this Easy, Safe, and Natural Solution. Use “Prostate Specialist”. |
Swanson Health Products
| Swanson Health Products, an independently owned and operated company based in Fargo, North Dakota, was founded by Leland Swanson in 1969 as a mail-order business dedicated to providing quality nutritional supplements at affordable prices, with a strong emphasis on customer service. Now under the guidance of Lee Swanson, Jr., the company has grown to become one of America's largest privately held mail-order and internet marketers of dietary supplements, with sales and distribution channels reaching around the globe.
In the highly competitive supplement industry, Swanson's unwavering commitment to quality, affordability and customer service sets us apart from all others. Our GMP-certified facilities and stringent Quality Control polices ensure that the supplements you purchase from Swanson contain only the finest, freshest ingredients. And all of our products are backed by a 100% money-back Satisfaction Guarantee. It's all part of our continuing mission of Bringing Wellness to the World, one person at a time.

The Chi Machine - APPROVED Class 1 MEDICAL DEVICE - Therapeutic Massager
| ******* NO MONTHLY MINIMUMS ******* Effortless Aerobic Exercise-It does all the work Recommended by MANY Chiropractors More ENERGY, Sounder, more restful SLEEP, Stronger-more limber Spine and Joints, Better Stamina, FIRM and TONE thighs, hips, butt; Stronger IMMUNE System, Alleviate Headaches, STRESS, Constipation, Depression, Anxiety
URI Health
| Multi-Greens, Barley Pure, Multi-Vegetables, Multi-Fruits, Complete Food Drink/Capsules, Multi Meal Chocolate/Vanilla,
Multi-Meal Orange Cream, Sweet Careet, Noni Pure, Mineral Pure, Multi-Growth Complex, Silver Defense, Crystal Clear
Neutralizer, Natural Green Soap, Natural Moisturizing Soap, Crystal Clear Neutralizer Gel, Natural Moisturizing Lotion,
Deodorant Stone, Coconut Pure, Multi-Enhancer for Men, Multi-Enhancer for Women, Multi-Trim, Multi-Blockers,
Multi-Antioxidants, Multi-Eaze, Multi-CDS Chelation Delivery System, Multi-Zymes, Multi-Clean, Laundry Ball, Beyond Berries,
and more |
Wrap Yourself Slim
| Body Wraps Exposed! Book containing formulas, techniques and process for doing yur own home body wraps at home. |
Youngevity (formerly American Longevity)
| My very good friend and personal trainer Sandy Elsberg (http://SandyElsberg.com) has looked for a opp for over 5
years, and she decided on this.
They have been in business for 18 years, so they are stable.
Sandy has only been in 7 companies in her life- and been in the TOP 5 income earners in EACH ONE.
I am going to work DIRECTLY with her :o)
You must give your body all the raw materials it requires to maintain and renew itself in order to achieve healthful maximum
potential. But those raw materials so vital to your health can be hard to find. Centuries of mining, farming, irrigation and
acid rain have eroded life giving minerals from our soil. These mineral deficient soils are then used to grow and cultivate
our food. Because of this, our food may be lacking in the essential minerals. In fact, Dr. Wallach has stated one sentence
has killed more people than all the wars in American history. . . You get all the nutrition you need from the four food
All Youngevity® products are designed with this principle in mind. Our products are packed with the finest minerals
available. Mined from deep within the mountains of Utah, these minerals are harvested and added to create our products. Along
with a healthy lifestyle that includes a proper diet and exercise, these products can help you live a fuller life.
When it comes to mineral supplementation, you should use only the finest products available - Youngevity® products! When you
go shopping, there are always generic brands and imitations vying for your attention. But when it comes to your health, do
not accept any imitations. There are no quick-fixes, no silver bullets, and no shortcuts. The only way you can heal your body
is to give it all the raw materials it needs to run stronger, faster and longer. |
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